Register Today for the 2023 WSKW Conference – PHE America
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<p>The Fall 2023 Annual Conference for the Western Society for Kinesiology & Wellness (WSKW) will be...
Deciding When to Start Kindergarten | K-8 Advice
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<p>The transition into kindergarten has always been a big one for kids. And as this first year of elementary school has...
Most Santa Barbara County Kids Aren’t Prepared for Kindergarten. Is More Playtime the Solution?
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<p>More time spent on the playground could mean the difference between flourishing or flunking out for Santa Barbara County’s students. It’s a point...
10 things California parents should know about transitional kindergarten | QuickGuide
<div class="eight-five image-wrapper"><img decoding="async" class="feature-image" src=""/><span class="credit">Sarah Tully/EdSource</span>
<p><span>English learners who attend transitional kindergarten enter kindergarten with stronger literacy and math skills, according to a recent...