Jim Crow Laws: Definition, Facts & Timeline
<h2 id="black-codes">Black Codes</h2>
<p>The roots of Jim Crow laws began as early as 1865, immediately following the ratification of the 13th Amendment, which abolished slavery in...
Teaching philosophy in a children’s prison has shown me the meaning of anger | Andy West
<p class="dcr-94xsh"><span class="dcr-1y9qb16"><span class="dcr-8l7iat">O</span></span><span class="dcr-94xsh">ne morning when I was 14, I met my older brother as he came out of prison. His frame was...
Healthcare Encryption Exceptions? – Rickard & Associates
<p>We know that all emails and text messages that contain protected health information (PHI) should be encrypted.</p>
<p><strong>We can help you stay on top of the...
Do I Need an Emergency List?
<p>We frequently have questions related to the practical and financial panic after a death in the family when accounts, passwords, and assets are unknown. ...
What is a Power of Attorney?
<p>Many of our clients have heard of the powers of attorney, but do not know what they actually entail.</p>
<p><strong>We can help you stay on top...
Can Your EHR Template Land You in Prison?
<p>If your electronic health record (EHR) template is set up incorrectly and leads you to be billed improperly, it could lead to prison time.</p>
<p><strong>We can...
Seven issues that will define the 2024 election
<p>A handful of issues are emerging as possible flashpoints in the 2024 election as Republicans and Democrats look to fine tune their messaging ahead of...
3 Things You Should Know About Irrevocable Trusts
<p>A trust is an estate planning tool that allows a person to control their assets during their lifetime and make provisions for incapacity and death.</p>